Reasons Why Blogger Comment Box Is Not Displaying

On this very article I will be analyzing some credible reasons why your comment box is not displayed on the bottom of every post and also methods on how you can fix this within seconds without having to consult any expert or assertion of any kind of  css and or without editing your template. 

If you are a blogger using a none customized or a default blogger template to run your blog and it happens that your blog comment box is hidden on every post you have published, and or it suddenly got hidden after some post publication, there are possibilities that you must have made some changes on your blogger dashboard settings. 

This occurred to me and after several researches online from Google and other search engines to combat and fix this little problem, I still found no relevant and accurate result to manage this predicament, but instead of finding the real cause of this error I would be rather be directed and redirected to some template editing and css modifications which all  results proved to no avail. 
I was not satisfied leaving my blog comment box undisplayed even though no comment is coming on it, I believed it would still with time. 

Now this is how I fixed the post comment box error and made it to display again as you can see beneath this post and beneath every post on this blog. 

First and foremost you have to Login to your blogger account using your Gmail account and password as required, head over and click on the blog account which you'd like to fix the error on (for those who has more than one blogger accout), open the blog dashboard and click on Settings > Posts, and comments and sharing, now observe the immediate screen display as shown  on the screenshot blow
Now beneath 
Comments you will see 
Comment Location?  then  {Embedded} 
just leave it the way it is though you can change it to you desire but embedded is the best recommended. 
And beneath those you will find 
Google+ comment 
Use Google+ comments on this blog?     {Yes
Now the main reason why your comment box is not displaying is because you have set  Use Google+ comments on this blog to Yes, click on the drop down menu where you see Yes and change it to No then save your settings as seen below............. 
Now observe your immediate screen and you will find some additional dialog on your Comments Locations as it is displayed on this screenshot below 
These are additional information used to customize your Comment settings like; who is allowed to comment, comment moderation, comment form message etc. 
N/B: Endeavor to save your changes after each setting edit and before leaving the page to enable your changes to take effect. That's just it... 

Hope this article was and will be helpful to those who are searching for such assistance just like I did in the past? Please leave your comments using the comment box below. 

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